We run three competitions per season featuring categories of Pictorial, Creative Experimental and Nature. We hope that members will take advantage of this positive way to learn and grow but if competition isn’t for you, we understand that also. Each competition will be open for entries 30 days before the closing date to allow all who wish to enter, the time to do so. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the rules before entering. Good Luck!
Your images must meet the following parameters:
Saved as a jpg with maximum size 1MB
Use sRGB colour space
Dimensions – Long Side 1400 pixels (Landscape), Long Side 1050 pixels (Portrait).
The entry system will not accept your image if it is not sized correctly. You will see an error message to that effect.
The image file name must include the photographer’s name and image title e.g.
Your Name – Image Title.jpg
Also, in the form, the “Title” field is for image title only, your name does NOT go here.
1st Club Competition
Please Read: When entering this competition, please ensure that your image file names are correct. As stated above, we now would like your name to appear in your file name as well as the title of photo, (this is new since last year). Also, please do not add numbers, underscores or any other characters. In the “Title” box, please only type in the title of the image. Thank you for taking the time to enter.
Sorry, you must be logged in to see this.2nd Club Competition
Please Read: When entering this competition, please ensure that your image file names are correct. As stated above, we now would like your name to appear in your file name as well as the title of photo, (this is new since last year). Also, please do not add numbers, underscores or any other characters. In the “Title” box, please only type in the title of the image. Thank you for taking the time to enter.
This portal is now open until January 6th.
Sorry, you must be logged in to see this.3rd Club Competition
Please Read: When entering this competition, please ensure that your image file names are correct. As stated above, we now would like your name to appear in your file name as well as the title of photo, (this is new since last year). Also, please do not add numbers, underscores or any other characters. In the “Title” box, please only type in the title of the image. Thank you for taking the time to enter.
We will be open for uploads beginning February 6, 2023, the competition will close for entries on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 11:59pm. You can add or change images until that time.
2024-25 Comp dates will be announced here when available, thank you for your participation.
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