Kingston Photographic Club

Join the Club

When do we meet?

KPC members meet twice per month, on the first and third Monday of the month, from mid-September to May. You will be informed of any changes to this normal pattern via Club Updates sent to your email address.  During the 2023-24 season, we will be utilizing a “hybrid” delivery model where some meetings will be conducted via Zoom and some will be face-to-face meetings.  Please read your Update communiques for current information.

Face-to-face meetings start at 7:15 pm. Unless otherwise notified, the meetings are held in Room 215 of Dupuis Hall on Queen’s University campus.  This location has wheelchair and elevator access.  Wheelchair access is from Clergy Street at the northern end of the building (the Clergy Street door has to be opened from the inside.)  The elevator is located inside the main Division Street entrance.  If other days or locations are to be used, we will inform you.   Zoom meetings start at 7 pm; however, we open the Zoom room at about 6:45 pm.  You need to pre-load the Zoom app on your computer/device.  Then, use the Zoom link sent out via an Update communique to join these Zoom meetings. 

Like to Try Us Out Before Joining?

Some people like to try things out before committing.  There is no pressure to pay a membership fee immediately.  Audit a couple of meetings and see if our Club is for you.  If you are interested in this idea, contact the current Club president at and she will send you a link for the meeting.  We also suggest that you review the planned activities outlined in our program calendar found on our Calendar page.

Want to Join Us?
The annual membership fee is $60/yr adults$40/yr for Students, or $80 for families (fees are pro-rated if joining from January onwards). Payment can be made via an E-transfer sent to  Or, a cheque made out to the Kingston Photographic Club can be mailed to: 

Kingston Photographic Club

c/o Ed Fletcher, KPC Treasurer

2418 Freeman Road

Sydenham, Ontario

K0H 2T0

All new or existing members are required to complete a “Membership/Renewal Application form” (link below) Submit your completed form to Ed Fletcher, treasurer at the next meeting or can be mailed to Ed Fletcher, at the address above.

We sincerely hope that you decide to join the Kingston Photographic Club- we would love to have you as a member!

Membership form can be found here: Download